zoo - S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series (Z's Ordered Observations)
An S3 class with methods for totally ordered indexed observations. It is particularly aimed at irregular time series of numeric vectors/matrices and factors. zoo's key design goals are independence of a particular index/date/time class and consistency with ts and base R by providing methods to extend standard generics.
Last updated 8 months ago
15.49 score 2.1k dependents 31k scripts 513k downloadsdistributions3 - Probability Distributions as S3 Objects
Tools to create and manipulate probability distributions using S3. Generics pdf(), cdf(), quantile(), and random() provide replacements for base R's d/p/q/r style functions. Functions and arguments have been named carefully to minimize confusion for students in intro stats courses. The documentation for each distribution contains detailed mathematical notes.
Last updated 5 months ago
11.17 score 101 stars 7 dependents 105 scripts 1.4k downloadsbetareg - Beta Regression
Beta regression for modeling beta-distributed dependent variables on the open unit interval (0, 1), e.g., rates and proportions, see Cribari-Neto and Zeileis (2010) <doi:10.18637/jss.v034.i02>. Moreover, extended-support beta regression models can accommodate dependent variables with boundary observations at 0 and/or 1. For the classical beta regression model, alternative specifications are provided: Bias-corrected and bias-reduced estimation, finite mixture models, and recursive partitioning for beta regression, see GrĂ¼n, Kosmidis, and Zeileis (2012) <doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i11>.
Last updated 4 months ago
10.47 score 22 dependents 916 scripts 8.8k downloads
ivreg - Instrumental-Variables Regression by '2SLS', '2SM', or '2SMM', with Diagnostics
Instrumental variable estimation for linear models by two-stage least-squares (2SLS) regression or by robust-regression via M-estimation (2SM) or MM-estimation (2SMM). The main ivreg() model-fitting function is designed to provide a workflow as similar as possible to standard lm() regression. A wide range of methods is provided for fitted ivreg model objects, including extensive functionality for computing and graphing regression diagnostics in addition to other standard model tools.
Last updated 18 days ago
10.06 score 20 stars 4 dependents 374 scripts 5.1k downloadsexams - Automatic Generation of Exams in R
Automatic generation of exams based on exercises in Markdown or LaTeX format, possibly including R code for dynamic generation of exercise elements. Exercise types include single-choice and multiple-choice questions, arithmetic problems, string questions, and combinations thereof (cloze). Output formats include standalone files (PDF, HTML, Docx, ODT, ...), Moodle XML, QTI 1.2, QTI 2.1, Blackboard, Canvas, OpenOlat, ILIAS, TestVision, Particify, ARSnova, Kahoot!, Grasple, and TCExam. In addition to fully customizable PDF exams, a standardized PDF format (NOPS) is provided that can be printed, scanned, and automatically evaluated.
Last updated 9 days ago
8.14 score 1 stars 5 dependents 880 scripts 1.2k downloadscountreg - Count Data Regression
Regression models for count data, including negative binomial, zero-inflated, zero-truncated, and hurdle models. Drivers for combination with flexmix and mboost are also provided. Previously available functions for graphical goodness-of-fit assessment (rootograms etc.) are now provided in the 'topmodels' package on R-Forge.
Last updated 6 months ago
6.24 score 5 stars 157 scriptsglmertree - Generalized Linear Mixed Model Trees
Recursive partitioning based on (generalized) linear mixed models (GLMMs) combining lmer()/glmer() from 'lme4' and lmtree()/glmtree() from 'partykit'. The fitting algorithm is described in more detail in Fokkema, Smits, Zeileis, Hothorn & Kelderman (2018; <DOI:10.3758/s13428-017-0971-x>). For detecting and modeling subgroups in growth curves with GLMM trees see Fokkema & Zeileis (2024; <DOI:10.3758/s13428-024-02389-1>).
Last updated 8 days ago
5.51 score 1 dependents 41 scripts 1.1k downloadsexams2forms - Embedding 'exams' Exercises as Forms in 'rmarkdown' or 'quarto' Documents
Automatic generation of quizzes or individual questions as (interactive) forms within 'rmarkdown' or 'quarto' documents based on 'R/exams' exercises.
Last updated 9 days ago
4.64 score 1 stars 8 scripts 542 downloadscirctree - Regression Trees and Forests for Circular Responses
Infrastructure for fitting distributional trees and forests based on maximum-likelihood estimation of parameters for a circular response, as well as regression methods for a circular response based on maximum-likelihood estimation are provided. For both approaches the von Mises distribution is employed as circular response distribution.
Last updated 8 days ago
3.92 score 1 scriptslagsarlmtree - Spatial Lag Model Trees
Model-based linear model trees adjusting for spatial correlation using a simultaneous autoregressive spatial lag, Wagner and Zeileis (2019) <doi:10.1111/geer.12146>.
Last updated 8 days ago
2.92 score 2 scripts 199 downloadspalmtree - Partially Additive (Generalized) Linear Model Trees
This is an implementation of model-based trees with global model parameters (PALM trees). The PALM tree algorithm is an extension to the MOB algorithm (implemented in the 'partykit' package), where some parameters are fixed across all groups. Details about the method can be found in Seibold, Hothorn, Zeileis (2019) <doi:10.1007/s11634-018-0342-1>. The package offers coef(), logLik(), plot(), and predict() functions for PALM trees.
Last updated 8 days ago
2.92 score 8 scripts 240 downloads