1. betareg::CarTask
    Partition-Primed Probability Judgement Task for Car Dealership
  2. betareg::FoodExpenditure
    Proportion of Household Income Spent on Food
  3. betareg::GasolineYield
    Estimation of Gasoline Yields from Crude Oil
  4. betareg::ImpreciseTask
    Imprecise Probabilities for Sunday Weather and Boeing Stock Task
  5. betareg::LossAversion
    (No) Myopic Loss Aversion in Adolescents
  6. betareg::MockJurors
    Confidence of Mock Jurors in Their Verdicts
  7. betareg::ReadingSkills
    Dyslexia and IQ Predicting Reading Accuracy
  8. betareg::StressAnxiety
    Dependency of Anxiety on Stress
  9. betareg::WeatherTask
    Weather Task with Priming and Precise and Imprecise Probabilities
  10. c403::olat_eval_lang
    Olat evaluation language data set
  11. colorspace::USSouthPolygon
    Polygon for County Map of US South States: Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina
  12. colorspace::max_chroma_table
    Compute Maximum Chroma for Given Hue and Luminance in HCL
  13. countreg::CodParasites
    Parasite Infections in Cod
  14. countreg::CrabSatellites
    Horseshoe Crab Mating
  15. countreg::OralHealthNL
    Oral Health in Children in The Netherlands
  16. countreg::TakeoverBids
    Takeover Bids Data
  17. crch::RainIbk
    Precipitation Observations and Forecasts for Innsbruck
  18. crch::RainIbk
    Precipitation Observations and Forecasts for Innsbruck
  19. distributions3::FIFA2018
    Goals scored in all 2018 FIFA World Cup matches
  20. disttree::RainAxams
    Observations and covariates for station Axams
  21. evtree::BBBClub
    Bookbinder's Book Club
  22. evtree::ContraceptiveChoice
    Contraceptive Method Choice
  23. evtree::GermanCredit
    Statlog German Credit
  24. evtree::MAGICGammaTelescope
    MAGIC Gamma Telescope
  25. evtree::StatlogHeart
    Statlog Heart
  26. glmertree::DepressionDemo
    Artificial depression treatment dataset
  27. glmertree::GrowthCurveDemo
    Artificial dataset for partitioning of linear growth curve models
  28. glmertree::MHserviceDemo
    Artificial mental-health service outcomes dataset
  29. ivreg::CigaretteDemand
    U.S. Cigarette Demand Data
  30. ivreg::Kmenta
    Partly Artificial Data on the U.S. Economy
  31. ivreg::SchoolingReturns
    U.S. Returns to Schooling Data
  32. lagsarlmtree::GrowthNUTS2
    Determinants of Regional Economic Growth
  33. lagsarlmtree::WeightsNUTS2
    Spatial Weights for European Union NUTS2 Regions
  34. partykit::HuntingSpiders
    Abundance of Hunting Spiders
  35. partykit::WeatherPlay
    Weather Conditions and Playing a Game
  36. RainTyrol::MapTyrol
    Topographic data for Tyrol
  37. RainTyrol::StationsTyrol
    Observation stations
  38. sandwich::InstInnovation
    Innovation and Institutional Ownership
  39. sandwich::Investment
    US Investment Data
  40. sandwich::PetersenCL
    Petersen's Simulated Data for Assessing Clustered Standard Errors
  41. sandwich::PublicSchools
    US Expenditures for Public Schools
  42. topmodels::SerumPotassium
    Serum Potassium Levels
  43. topmodels::VolcanoHeights
    Tukey's Volcano Heights